The standard training course includes a two day full overview of the program, with emphasis on the graphical user interface (GUI) style and the interaction process of ICFD++ case set-up and also tools for pre and post processing of solutions. Through demonstrations and interactive tutorials, this course also covers the most frequently used commands for various CFD problem types. Hands-on experience focuses on getting the most out of ICFD++ as quickly as possible. This course assumes no prior experience using ICFD++ and is suitable for all experience levels.
Metacomp Technologies' research staff is highly trained in many scientific and engineering disciplines including numerical algorithms, physics modeling and turbulence modeling. The company offers educational services in the following areas:
Turbulence Modeling and its use in CFD
Numerical algorithms and techniques
Numerical methods for the compressible and incompresible fluid Navier-Stokes equations
We offer training for our software suites
Training for ICFD++, Metacomp's Computational Fluid Dynamics Software Suite
Training for ICAA++, Metacomp's Computational Aeroacoustics Software Suite
Training for ICSM++, Metacomp's Computational Structural Mechanics Software Suite
Training for IMIME, Metacomp's Multipurpose Intelligent Meshing Environment
Training for MetaFSI, Metacomp's Fluid Structure Interaction framework